2 months old - lots to tell
Summer cool...
Pirates of the ..Thames?
Flower Power child
Eleanor, Jemima, Dan, Axel, Rox in Greenwich Park
Dan, Eleanor, Jemima, Rox, Axel, Peter, Esther pre-frisbee
Esther & Peter hanging with Axel in Greenwich Park
Axel sees another ship
'Buddha' Belly
Axel gets a chance to see another great ship
If only I could speak!  I’ll let the pictures do that for now.  Here is just a selection of photos over the last couple of weeks.  Boats have been figuring prominently.  So have flowers - check out my Hawaiian gear!  My friend Jemima was born on the same day as me - just down the hall in the same hospital.  Look forward to seeing you soon!  Axel xo
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